
Sara Sundsten

Sara's Loot "Bounty from the Sea" | Kodiak

I focus on handmade objects from Kodiak utilizing all things natural and some things recycled. My knowledge of art along with my artistic vision has developed into my own self-taught art form using an assortment of wood, driftwood, sea shells, seaweeds, plantlike & wormlike animals, sponges & corals, barnacles, urchins & sand dollars, sea stars & spiders, crabs, and objects along the coastline.

Follow on Instagram @bountyfromthesea

Contact for custom orders and local pickup! 20SpencerBear@gmail.com 907 539-1365

#3 Ship Wheel - Sara Sundsten.jpg
#7 Lighthouse Large - Sara Sundsten.jpg
#11 Crab in Box - Sara Sundsten.jpg
#16 Sand Dollar Earrings - Sara Sundsten.jpg